This is the beautiful home of Amanda @msamandaforsey ; an experienced renovator. After an initial chat at lumière, I was invited to visit (busy mum of 4) Amanda’s home for a consultation to help her work out a lighting scheme which would flow in the new layout of the home she was remodelling.
We agreed to focus “phase 1” on some of the key areas such as the kitchen and entrance hall.
Amanda and her husband wanted ceiling lights in the opening into the kitchen space. We looked at a more traditional 3 pendant option however, something did not feel right. Amanda has created an earthy, sophisticated, LA tree house vibe and the view out of the stunning double height glass wall and outlook into the dining space needed to be respected (see photos).
Furthermore, Amanda has spent so long choosing aesthetically pleasing fabrics and surfaces that I felt the granite in the kitchen needed a light to highlight its striking amber tones without stealing its thunder.
I also liked the idea of playing with the geometric lines the integrated LED lights in the kitchen already created.
When Amanda and her husband popped back into lumière for a follow up, I suggested they have a look at something a bit different which they may not have considered: the Dessau by Sean Lavin.
The Dessau is a beautiful, slick, floating bar of integrated LED light, which works in parallel with the existing integrated LED kitchen lights and spreads light evenly across the body of the counter without hindering any views. A match made in heaven
Thank you to the beautiful Amanda (and pooch Monty) for having me back over for phase 2. I cannot wait to show you more of this treat of a project.
Love & light
Melissa x